

There is a better way…

There is a better way to overcome the challenges of industry. There is a better way to improve quality and reduce costs. This better way is not called Total Quality Management (TQM), Management by Objective (MBO), or Lean Six Sigma. It is not one of the many fads that continue to undermine progress in business and manufacturing alike. This better way is called Statistical Process Control (SPC).

I have made it my profession to optimize business and manufacturing processes using the framework of SPC. Whether it is to characterize underlying process behavior or eliminate assignable causes of variation, experience has shown me that SPC is unrivaled in its capacity to produce results. This portfolio is a testament to that experience.


Jim Lehner

Jim Lehner is a manufacturing and process engineering professional. His Data Driven Improvement (DDI) methodology integrates the data driven world of today with the tried and true methodology of Statistical Process Control (SPC).

Building better solutions

The manufacturing engineers guide to SPC and Data Driven Improvement (DDI)

Understanding data & Statistical process control (SPC)

Case studies

additional items of interest

Github repositories